Prof. Wen Wen (B03) and Prof. Hiroshi Imamizu (A03) published a paper in Nature Reviews Psychology.
24 Feb. 2022 A paper co-authored by Prof. Wen Wen (B03, Univ. of Tokyo) and Prof. Hiroshi Imamizu (A03, Univ. of Tokyo) has been published in Nature Reviews Psychology. Their paper covers recent studies on the sense of agency, in which our research project has interests as a psychological factor facilitating “Hyper-adaptivility.” They reviewed roles of the sense of agency in human perception and behaviour as well as its applications to human-machine interactions. Journal: Nature Reviews Psychology (launched January 2022) Title: The sense of agency in perception, behaviour and human-machine interactions Authors: Wen Wen and Hiroshi Imamizu Journal URL: Full-text under Springer Nature SharedIt Initiative*: *